Wednesday, June 23, 2021

New Pictures

 Took the Constructam out of storage today to clean her up a bit (she was dusty from the barn) and take new photos to sell her.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Caravan back together

Now that she is back from Erik's and has a whole new floor and foundation-- it was time to put her back together!

The original cushions with dark gray slipcovers. Don't worry, the retro brown and orange original covers are under there protected.

The Rein Poortvliet gnomes are back. That's me and my husband LOL.

The front desk is installed again with a whole new chair. The original front cushions are under the desk because that is where the two doggies sleep at night. They have their own beds.

The old clothing is replaced by an IKEA Ivar steel locker. Above is a shelf and a pole across for coat hangers.  This way, clothing can hang still. One of the green plastic storage boxes is hung for smaller items. 

The kitchen block is back and looking great with the new hand water pump. No electricity needed to pump water from the storage tanks to the sink. I felt this was the best system for off grid camping.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Back from Erik!

She is back from getting the whole new floor, and wow.. does that make a difference!!!  The floor is super stable and having the new floor in means that the wheel wells are where they are supposed to be.

Today I'm putting the finishing coats of paint on, using RAL 7020 oil based that I found super cheap on sale. The front of the caravan has light canvas instead of vinyl sheeting (installed when I first got it because the old vinyl had to be torn out to do work). The oil based paint seals up the canvas and makes it like oilcloth or like a painter's canvas. It seals it up.  It also works as a glue to glue pieces together... also known as "poor man's fiberglass".  It's an old method of making things going back to the middle ages. Layers of canvas would be bonded together using linseed oil and pigments on shields or furniture and then painted.

It's not the most beautiful wall covering ever, but when the furniture is returned, the wrinkles aren't so noticeable. This is especially the case where the kitchen goes, as there are multiple tears and layers of wall coverings from years of remodeling.

Erik rebuilt the bed benches, which now need to be stained walnut to match the cabinets.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Re-working the Kitchen

While the kitchen cabinet is indoors as Erik rebuilds the whole floor, I have been deciding what I want to do with it.  I have put a faux wood print on it which will get one more coating of dark walnut. 

I have built a small door in it which opens up to a shelf that goes all the way under the sink.

Cute fabric for doing something inside with

Sunday, February 17, 2019

New Floor by Erik Harmsen

Erik has sent me pictures of our caravan getting a whole new floor in!

Erik's website is: